A Lighter View Celebrating Februrary
By K.E.H. Stagg
Feburary 11, 2016
A blue moon - the second full moon falling in the same month - is rare enough, but who knew Dillsburg was destined to experience the fivefecta of observances in February? Groundhog Day, Super Bowl, Fat Tuesday, Valentine's Day, and Presidents Day falling back-to-back in under two weeks must be beyond rare.
Which is not to say that Dillsburgers celebrate all of these events. Some of us pay attention to Phil's possible prediction for early spring; others of us draw down on rodents regardless. Some of us get major holidays off work; others of us slave 24/7/365. Some of us care who's playing in the Super Bowl; others of us watch a commercial or two, but skip the game itself.
All of us, however, read with astonishment Valentine ads about men "buying pearls and diamonds, chocolates, or floral tributes, with wining and dining at an exclusive restaurant."
Our involuntary response is, "That copy writer dropped off the planet Delusion!" Because while Dillsburg has several delicious eateries (Pakha's offers the best Thai fare this side of Bangkok), nowhere in the 17019 zip code is a suit and tie required to eat out.
Even neighboring municipalities abandoned exclusive dining: the Empire Room relocated from Carlisle to Anguilla (or Aruba - someplace warm and sunny year-round, at any rate); flooding sent Char's Bella Mundo from Shipoke to Front Street as Char's at Tracy Mansion, but that tent, too, is folding. Even the Hershey Hotel's Circular Dining Room went casual.
So where are people in this area enjoying fine dining? Actually, with the predicted onslaught of more precipitation, we'll all be eating in. No fancy attire required for that!