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The Homeschool View
By Hunter Fell

November 4 , 2010

Today, I want to tackle one of the biggest homeschooling myths out there regarding the topic of socialization - or lack thereof - among homeschoolers.

Myth Buster: Homeschoolers are social beings!

Have you heard the outright lie? The one that accuses homeschoolers of being socially inept? Many people – usually ones who don’t know any homeschoolers for themselves - refer to our kind as, “unsocialized homeschoolers”. Not only is this hurtful, it is completely untrue. Ok, you can find homeschoolers that are not as social as others, but that’s true among public schoolers, private schoolers, parents or any group of people, isn’t it? It’s so easy for people to label things they don’t understand but, truthfully, it’s usually based on fear or ignorance.

So, let me enlighten you: even though I don’t go to public school, I socialize with lots of people, of many ages, in lots of ways. I know a lot of homeschoolers; why, some of my best friends are homeschooled and every one of them is just as social as my friends who are in public school. Ask anyone who knows me (siblings don’t count) and they will tell you that I am very friendly (not to mention handsome and humble). Any time my parents are asked the question, “But what about socialization?” they respond, “Have you met our kids?”

The thing that people get stuck on is that, instead of being in a classroom filled with kids all the same age, homeschoolers are at home with various-aged siblings and so they assume that this hurts our ability to socialize with peers. This is ridiculous. The very thing that people use to make their “unsocialized” point of view - we aren’t in school for 8 hours each day surrounded by peers – is actually to our social advantage. Not only do Homeschoolers stay closely connected with siblings, they are known for their ability to have discussions with ALL age groups, from toddlers to the elderly, looking into their eyes and speaking confidently because we are not immersed with only our own age group. Think about it.

Homeschoolers are not isolated in caves and our families have to watch that we don’t over-commit our social calendars as much as anyone else; however, I will say that my family does protect our time together, as it is important to us. Activities range from family to family, but I attend weekly co-op classes, teach Sunday School, attend weekly youth group and small group activities; have participated in community sports (though more my brother’s thing), theater, have volunteered at multiple camps and organizations, and attend big food conventions across the country selling cookies. What? I never told you about that? Silly me! I’ll cover that in a future article.

Trust me when I say that the “socialization” issue is not an issue … it is a myth!

If this has brought any questions to mind (or you just want to talk to someone as awesome as me), you can email, subject line: Homeschool View; and since I am social, I will email you back. Thanks for reading.