The Homeschool View
It's Back to School
By Hunter Fell
September 2, 2010
Well, it’s that time of year again when students all over the world are packing up books, buying supplies, and getting ready for those daily words they have been dreading to hear all summer, “Time to get up, you don’t want to be late for school!” For those lucky few of you who enjoy school, or are just really smart, good for you; but I’m not exactly what you would call a “straight A” student.
Mythbuster Warning: Not all homeschoolers are geniuses.
Now don’t get me wrong, I'm not bad at school. I get mostly B’s and some A’s; and like most people, I do really well in the areas that interest me, but only average in the areas that don’t. I’m in the tenth grade and have been homeschooled since kindergarten. In addition, recently I have been touring the country with my family in an RV – exploring 35 states and traveling a total of 78,000 miles - so technically, I have been roadschooled for the past two years. The views were amazing and it was a lot of fun while we were actually traveling, but when stationary for too long, it started to get a little crowded (our family consists of 3 kids, 2 parents, and 1 dog).
This is just one of my experiences, one of my views, which I hope to share with you in the Homeschool View. Whether it’s places I’ve been to, experiences I’ve gained, educational choices we’ve made, this column will inform you, your friends, your aunts, your friend’s aunts, your aunt’s friends, and your local truancy officer, about the views and viewpoints of this homeschooler. Along the way, Mythbusters will clear up some of the misconceptions I hear about homeschooling and
Factoids will feed that part of you that loves useless information. Here’s one now…
Factoid: a rat can go longer than a camel without water
So you see, learning can be fun … even for us average students! If you would like to share your views with me, you can email me at
So until I hear from you, or you hear from me, this has been a Homeschool View by Hunter Fell.