Print edition highlights December 19, 2024

Two drones fly over the highway on Rt. 15 north at the Rt. 74 intersection in this still picture taken from a dashcam video recorded while Will Sullivan and his wife Heather were on their way to dinner on Nov. 21 at 5:30 p.m.
Rt. 15 and Rt 74 intersection, Dillsburg
Mysterious drone sighting
A drone sighting in Dillsburg made national headlines over the weekend and was added to the ever increasing list of mysterious flying objects reported throughout the northeast for the past several weeks - flying nightly over military facilities, airports, vital infrastructure and residential areas in New Jersey, New York, Connecticut and Pennsylvania.
Will Sullivan and his wife Heather were on their way to dinner on Rt. 15 north when they saw two drones fly over the highway as they approached the Rt. 74 intersection on Nov. 21 at 5:30 p.m. Their dash- cam videotaped the incident.
Sullivan said one of the flying objects had blinking lights and the other did not, as they flew just above traffic, crossed the highway and headed towards South Mountain Road.
“I was surprised by the size,” he said. “They were at least 4 to 6 feet long.”
While authorities told him this is nothing to worry about, Sullivan feels they are a “huge hazard’ especially to helicopters. His other concern is “what happens if one falls from the sky and lands onto a vehicle?”
Pennsylvania State Police told the Banner they have received calls in the southeast area of the Commonwealth from individuals reporting to see drones in the sky. “None of the sightings indicated any immediate threat to the public,” they said. “We’re in touch with our local and federal partners, and will continue to monitor the situation.”
Carroll Township Police Chief Thomas Wargo said they received only one or two phone calls about drones. They did, however, receive a report from the FBI about a suspicious aircraft or drone by the Northern High School about a week ago.
Numerous drone sightings have been posted to local social media creating conjecture and worry over who is sending them and why.
For the rest of the story see the December 19, 2024 edition.
Print edition highlights September 19, 2024
Dillsburg Banner wins nine Keystone Press Awards
Staff Reports
The Dillsburg Banner won nine honors in the 2023 Keystone Media Awards sponsored by the Pennsylvania News Media Association and one honor in the Advertising Contest. Kristen Stagg received first place in the Government Beat. Her entries included: Northern Business Park, Continuance denied; Proposed warehouses raise residents' concerns; Conditional use withdrawn; Objectors from Golfview Heights hire attorneys; Rts. 74 and 194 New traffic patterns discussed. Joe Guty took second place in Sports Beat Reporting for Northern High School football reporting. His entries were On to the Big Dance, Ryan wins PIAA title, Northern to host twilight meet and Lehman and Durika lead. Marie Chomicki won second place in the Graphic/Photo category for her entry PennDOT reveals roundabout plans for Rt. 74 and Rt. 194. Photographer Curt Werner won five honors. Werner received three first place awards: Breaking News, Firemen surround Mechanicsburg Fire Chief; News Event Photo, Students unfurl a U.S. Flag and Photo/Story Essay, Tractor trailer accident shuts down Rt. 15; second place for Breaking News Photo, Emergency crews work to free a driver and honorable mention, Brady Anderson is tagged out. Dave Wolf took a first place posthumously for the Sports/Outdoor Column category with his entries: Return to the Land of the Elk!; Living with bears! and Leisure Time. Hilary Keeney received an honorable mention for her Christmas on the Town entry in the Advertising Category.
For the rest of the story see the September 19, 2024 edition.